Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006

More complaining

Well Its my blog so I can complain all i want. mwahahahhahahahahahhahaahhahah.... well Its' not really complaining so much as whining about my shift at work on saturday that is from 7:45 am to 3pm. Anyone who knows me knows how much I LOATHE mornings!
does 7:45 even exsist, cuz it sure as frick doesn't in my world
The nerd in me is coming out again tonight. I"m staying up till 11 to watch the premere of Ugly Betty with Kyle. At first i thought it would be terrible thanks to the name but it actually looks sweet and I love America Ferrera. :) I'm a loser.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Work, and School

So heading to work in a few hours, they called me to come in for 2 instead of 4:30. Why do I always say yes?????? I HATE 6 hour shifts, they aren't that bad but they're so god damn boring. I still have to go in and work all this stupid banking stuff out too. I work tomorrow as well 6 hours. It isn't bad but its so friggin boring and I still haven't sold that may credit cards yet. Oh well only 2 shifts next week.

Schools going well. Its been pretty damn easy so far, although I'm sure that'll change soon.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Well I am officially a college girl !!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! This week was frosh week which I am soooo glad I did. It was tons of fun even if i did miss some events cuz I had to work. Classes are awesome, I'm in the theory section this semester so no cooking or anything, but i'm okay with that, lets ease in to that part.lol Kyle's in my section as well which is 50/50.

I like most of my classes and I really plan on cracking down and getting good marks. I bought most of my textbooks already one left to buy( well texts for this semster) and its cost me all I've saved up in my 2 months of working. I don't mnd though.

In other news that proves what a large geek I am. I ordered Lost season 2 through amazon and it arrived yesterday and I jumped up and down and acted like it was christmas I was so excited. nerd.i am.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Stress Filled hope

Well I haven't posted in a while, between TOROS and the new job I had very little time to myself. CATS was awesome! Every show was amazing, saturdays show was a little iffy only cuz voices were being severly tested but it was still great. We sold out every night, we sold out our last show 2 days before, we broke all TOROS and Capitol Centre records. :D I look back and can't believe we pulled it off, CATS is difficult and we all created an awesome show. I'm going to miss TOROS.

Dreamcoat is doing the sound of music starting september, I might audition, it'll be hard with work and school but it's always fun. I don't know If i'll get in though, unlike toros dreamcoatis for pretty much all ages and sound of music doesn't have a huge chorus, and my singing isn't the greatest. but hey I'll auditin and if i get in great if not oh well.

Work is going okay, paychecks are nice. Selling credit cards sucks, I"ve only sold like 6. That is the big thing for the store too selling credit, its what they push and push and push. I hate it, I'm terrible at selling things. I try my hardest but most people don't want them or already have them.The people I work with are nice, my boss is scary and her boss is worse, he comes down gives us lectures on not selling enough credit or doing th high five 100 percent of the time and then leaves. I don't like him, he reminds me of a motivational speaker, and I HATE motivational speakers.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

50 films to see before you die

I found this article on the net of a list of 50 films to see before you die. It's interesting, here's the list with all the ones' i have seen crossed out.

here's the link to the article...

1 Apocalypse Now
2 The Apartment
3 City of God
4 Chinatown
5 Sexy Beast
6 2001: A Space Odyssey
7 North by Northwest
8 A Bout de Souffle
9 Donnie Darko
10 Manhattan
11 Alien
12 Lost in Translation
13 The Shawshank Redemption
14 Lagaan: Once Upon A Time in India
15 Pulp Fiction
16 Touch of Evil
17 Walkabout
18 Black Narcissus
19 Boyzn the Hood
20 The Player
21 Come and See
22 Heavenly Creatures
23 A Night at the Opera
24 Erin Brockovich
25 Trainspotting
26 The Breakfast Club
27 Hero
28 Fanny and Alexander
29 Pink Flamingos
30 All About Eve
31 Scarface
32 Terminator 2
33 Three Colours: Blue
34 The Royal Tenen-baums
35 The Ladykillers
36 Fight Club
37 The Searchers
38 Mulholland Drive
39 The Ipcress File
40 The King of Comedy
41 Manhunter
42 Dawn of the Dead
43 Princess Mononoke
44 Raising Arizona
45 Cabaret
46 This Sporting Life
47 Brazil
48 Aguirre: The Wrath of God
49 Secrets and Lies
50 Badlands.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Steady As She Goes

Okay the title only refers to the song I"m listening to at the moment. It's really catchy and gets tuck in my head. . . alot.

So the last week has been good. I haven't worked since sunday, but I have to work fri and sat and maybe sunday. I also have to make sure Cathy got the sheet asking for evenings off all toros performance week. If not, I'll have to tell her I can't make those shifts and won't come in. I've put too much time and effort into TOROS not to do he performance, I love it to much, and a job is just a job. . .sure in the long run it's a benefit but I REFUSE to miss my last TOROS shows ever. I'm sure it'll be no big deal.

On the work front, its okay I really feel nothing towards it. I hate the people who get angry when they think I'm being too slow ( i work as fast as I can, I don't deliberatly slow down to fuck up ur time, trust me you aren't that important) or when I have to page for a SKU number cuz people are too stupid to grab the one with the tag( and if there is no tag on the one in ur size, grab one of another size and bring it up with u. I'll give u the right size one and scan the other one!!!!!!!) I still haven't sold any credit cards or rewards cards, but i'm not trying to hard. Most ppl are in a hurry and say no anyways. If i get fired for that well hey I dont' really care. If i don't i plan on applying to blockbuster when i'm 18 anyways. I know the subject matter, movies like me and vice versa.lol

TOROS is almost over, we've officially learned every single number. Sunday is the first dress rehersal. ahhhg I can't wait to find out what colour cat I am! I hope black or grey.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

First Shift

Today is my first actaul shift. The other three days I worked the cash register but we always had some training or something first. Today I go in, work for 4 hours and then go home. I"m so freaked out, but at the moment I feel kind of calm. Whatever happens, happens. Work sucks.lol but it's money, which I need.

Went to the college yesterday to right my english test and get a tour. I"m actaully really excited for school. It's gonna be fun.

TOROS is almost over :( My last year (Most likely) I"m glad I get to go to the mall preview on saturday, those are always so much fun :D

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

2nd day

well 2nd day done. Much better. I've decided with a great pep talk from my mother (who is an awesome woman btw) that I'm going to jsut suck it up and change my own attitude about work and fear. It's all in my head and I controll my head.

going to kyles house to watch canadas next top model finale. sisi better win.

First Day

Well I had my first day yesterday. It wasn't too bad. there were 5 of us one my age, one in her 20s and two older ladies. We spent the whole time practicing different price overrides on the registers and scanning things. I don't remember half of it. I have the feeling I want to quit again, but i refuse. Being a cashier is no ones idea of a great job but it's money and it's a job. I have to go back tonight, with no idea where to meet people ( The lady just vaguely answered my question when I asked the second time shes done so) i guess I'll wander around until I find them. Plus I had to leave yesterday at 7 and they weren't done so I didn't get my shirt which I 'll have to do today. gah. Deep breath. Younger people then me can do this, christ stupider people can probably do this. It'll be a learning experience either way.

I know I can do this job, but I'm still scared shitless and I don't know why, but it sucks and it hurts.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Well this has been a crazy week. Yesterday we had a HUGE MASSIVE storm sweep through the area, with several tornados, well not officially but people ahve been reporting seeing them and I saw a HUGE funnel cloud from my window. It was pretty creepy. They've declered state of emergency in two nearby towns. It was insane.

I have a job now. I start in about an hour and a half. I am going to be a cashier at Zellers. I m scared, although I know in my head I can do it I just don't know wthat to expect which i hate. I'm sure after a week I'll be more comfortable with it and soon it'll be no big deal, but at the moment I'm freaking out about it. I've had my moments of calm though where I feel good about it. It's close, they're going to work around my TOROS and school schedule, and they have a good training program. Well I have to go. I'll post again probably tomorrow about my first day.

Monday, July 10, 2006


Well I had a job interview today at Zellers. I think it went well. I'm scared though, scared of not getting the job and scared of getting it. I'm such a screw up with most things and it takes me forever to get comfortable doing something. I'm sure it'll be fine. I have to get the job first.lol

Monday, July 03, 2006

High School Life is OVER!

Well I officially graduated from high school on thursday. YAY ME!!!!!!! it feels so weird to be done and know it's not going to ever happen again.

Grad was fun, the ceremony was a bit boring and long but hey they're supposed to be. Nobody said anything to profound although my principal urged us to mooch off of our parents as long as possible ^_^

When I arrived in the morning I also found ut I won a $1000 bursary. ^_^ Thats almost half of my tuition and probably more then I could make if I worked in the summer. I'm still looking for a job, but I don't feel so stressed out about it, that money is a big help :D

TOROS is going good, its a little boring even though we have more to learn then last year. I think part of it is because Beauty and The Beast we all knew and it was so cool to be in a show you grew up with. CATS i"ve never even heard or seen so it doesn't have the same connection, plus the chorus are put in the background an aweful lot compared to last year *Sigh* Oh well, at least i'm on stage.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Eva Cassidy

An AMAZING AMAZING Singer, who left us way to soon. Her songs (mostly covers) are beautiful . I wonder what she could have accomplished if she had been around a little longer. Gorgeous haunting voice.

singing somewhere over the rainbow a song I HATE, but when she sings it, its so damn beautiful.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


I realized I never posted what happened with my job. So here is a quick summary...
I went back that night for my second shift and got a grand total of 1 hour of training before he left me alone. Granted he was in the hotel( he lives ther) but still I was all alone.

Then He came back after an hour or so and was talking to me and he asked me what type of college degree i had. I SPECIFICALLY told him 3 times at least i was in my last year of high school and it says so right on my resume which he obviously didn't read. when he found out I was 17 he got alittle ansy and kept dropping it into conversations like " well don't tell the gues ts ur only 17". He was also expecting me to haggle and use marketing techniques with people on the phone. It was obvious He had paid no attention whatsoever to my resume or interview where I made it clear I had no hotel experience and not much job experience. I thought I was applying for a housekeeping job until the last interview. it was a disaster and I felt literally sick so I told him that it would be beter if I didn't work here because it was obvious he was uncomfortable with my age and I didnt' have the skills necessary. Then he made me feel like an ass for quitting.

My parents were great about it. They had been having bad feelings about the whole thing anyways. It sucks but now I"ve had that bad experience I'm ready to move on and have some good ones.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Its all over. . .

This will be short I have to leave for TOROS soon, we're doing CATS this year. Suprisingly fun.

So i finished my last High school exam...ever. I only have grad and then no more, on to college. How scary is it...frightening. I've been working on getting a job, I'm gonna really put myself out there, because damn college is expensive, not only tuition but books and in my program knives, kitchen outfit and server outfit. My parents are paying but I'd really like to contribute and eventually pay them back. I don't know how schoosl going to be next year, i'm in hotel admin but since I know that it's only a stepping stone to put myself through film school it might be hard to get through it. I will though. I promise. The cooking and serving ( the school has a restaurant on campus) is going to be the hardest, i have zero experience in both areas. My head hurts thinking about it sometimes and other times i'm excited at the challenge. I'm going to try and embrace the adventurous side of it, and the knowledge that if i buckle down there is nothing to keep me from succeeding.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I don't think I can Do this. . .

well I had my first morning at work and wow, I feel so stressed and incapable I cried. Yeah how sad is that, how many people have cried on the first day of their first job?
I thought It wouldn't be too bad but there is so much to learn, I applied for housekepping and when they offered me front desk I thought sure hey that's even better. After my first 4 hours of training I'm about to tear my hair out. There is so much I'm expected to know. I did check outs this morning and this is my only training in checkouts. Then tonight I go back for check ins and reservations. My head is spinning just trying to keep it all straight in my head. I wrote most of it down, but some of it we went through too fast and the little nuances I haven't managed to grasp yet. Im not a clever person by any means I can remember really well but to extrapolate that stuff into other areas and situations I'm not so good at. The guy who trained me ( not the one who hired me) seemed nice but i got the vibe he thought I was a little stupid, shy and slow. :( I'm gonna try and stick it out and we'll see how it goes. I'm terrified about reserving and booking and being left alone. Most likely I'll be doing night shifts 11pm-7am so I'll be mostly doing check ins for drunks, weirdos etc. I think I'll like nights once I get the hang of things. if ppl are reading this pray for me please, i'm gonna need all the support i can get. I hate being a shy person:( life is harder for us.

Friday, June 02, 2006

So Fuckin crazy weekend coming up

Well I got a job. YAY. It's at a hotel( a small one) I applied for housekeeping and ended up getting front desk. Now i'm nervous as hell. My first day is tomorrow at 7 am. If that wasn't bad enough. I audition for Cats(the drama summer school program) and I figured chorus like last year. but no today the night before my first day at work they call and tell me I'm getting a dance callback A DANCE CALLBACK! so unexpected my only dance training is 6 weeks of ballet and figure skating for 6 years( and not for like 4 since) and of course it's tomorrow during my work shift my first work shift. Although they did say i could come in sunday instead, so If my boss asks me to work sunday(so far he's only told me of my first day he hasn't given me a schedule) I'll have to say no, and if his schedule he gives me conflicts with Cats then I'll have to stop doing that which i don't want. Geez why does everything hae to happen in the same 2 day span. This is the worlds idea of a crule fucking joke and I don't think my nerves can take it!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Doctor WHo Video

I am a HUGE Doctor Who fan, and since I live in Canada we haven't gotten any of the season two episodes. CBC I'm waiting! so I found this really cute video of The Doctor and Rose mostly from the episod e Parting of Ways. its so sweet!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

It's Raining It's pouring

The title refers to the weather outside, but also my mood. I've just been in a kind of depressed mood lately. granted what i considered depressed is hardly, unfortunatly(or fortunatly) I have been born with an inability to stay mad/angry and or sad for too long, i jsut find things that make me happier really easy.

I realized I never did post what happened at Regionals, and I really don't feel like going into a big long story so the short version. Our actors messed up lots (although some were superb) our lights and sounds screwed up at least twice each, our keyboard amp wasn't on, and we had several seconds of no one on stage at one point. suffice to say we didn't move on.

nothing new really in my life. Saw MI3 on opening day, sad I know but I was really excited to see it. I am not a fan of tom cruise he acts exactly the same in all movies and he didn't dissapoint here. I was more interested in how JJ Abrams would handle his first movie ( With a budget of 150 mil no less) and he totally didn't dissapoint. MI3 was totally the best of all of the movies. It's plot was followable, the characters had more depth and motivation and he understood a concept most action thrillers dont' get. It's not the thing that matters ( as evidenced by JJ's brilliant use of never telling us what the hell the Rabbit's foot is) it's the stuff that happens because of it.
All in all an awesome movie, although I'm kind of interested in seeing how JJ handles the new Star Trek movie, I'm nto a trekkie but i like star trek and he could be the boost the series needs and by that time he'll be older, more experienced and i have a feeling it will be amazing.
oh and Jonathan Rhys Meyers who i've had a celebrity crush on since Bend it Like Beckham is in it YAY! and with pretty muscles now. yum.he Too bad there wasn't more of him.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Whats there to say really

Well last night we performed at Regionals and suffice to say...it was a complete and utter disaster. THis is jsut a short post to get my frustrations out before I head over to teh school for our private ajudication and workshops. Neither of which I 'm looking forwards to. In workshops I'm with no one I know and I have a VERY hard time talking to strangers, it's just not something I can really do.

Gah I Must go. I'll post the whole story later. When I feel less depressed.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Well we got wildcard for the regionals so we perform again this thursday. I"m so out of my groove though, tuesday will be my first time doing sound in 2 and a half weeks. I'm sure I'll get right back into it with no problem but still, it sucks. Regionals are going to be tons of fun theres lots of workshops and events to go to and I get to see Emily since her school made it too. YAY!

Neverending White Lights

Well I finally bought the Neverending WHite Light's cd. SO good!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how many people have seen the movie Kontroll but this cd reminds me of it for some reason. And i LOVED Kontroll. Daniel Victor is a genius seriously. I especially love the song From what I once was, which is the only song he sings on and its beautiful haunting really.

I also bought the movie Pride and Prejudice with Keria Knightley. It was so sweet, I'm not a romantic movie person, but this one was impossible not to like. I've read the book so I knew what was going to happen but watching it I just got caught up in the movie. Keira Knightley deserved that Oscar Nom, she was amazing, and Matthew MacFadyen was so . . . heartbreaking as Mr. Darcy. Brilliant Movie.!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Sears is over

Well the Sears Drama Festival is over. We didn't do too bad I must say. A few mistakes but overall I'm proud of what we accomplished. This play was almost completely a student production ( with Mr. W, and Mrs. B helping us out with the beaucratic stuff). We didn't win but the two plays that did were AMAZING. This year everyone stepped up their game. I'm sad that I wasn't on stage but it was interesting being up in the booth.

In the end we did win some awards though.

Stage managers award ( EXTREMELY well deserved)
Awards of merit for
costume management
set design

Awards of excellence for
ensemble acting.

Who knows we might be a wildcard and then it's off to Regionals! But if not this was an incredible experience and as tough and hard as it was I had fun and wouldnt' trade it for anything.

Monday, March 27, 2006

I Want To Be Your Canary - World Premiere

So tomorrow is the world premiere of the tragedy I Want to Be your Canary, written, directed by and starring Spenser with support from the Masqueraiders. I myself am only a "Lowly" Techie. I am the sound operator and I must say my sounds kick ass, unfortunatly this is my first time behind the sound board for a production so I'm a little unexperienced but I'm sure I'll do fine. I feel kinda sad cuz at last Sears Festival I was onstage(Not to boost but I even won an award) and that is where I feel most comfertable. Not making the play this year and last hurt...alot. Especially this year when I knew going into it i wasn't going to be cast because the roles had mostly been cast already in Spensers mind (not truly his fault it's hard not to do) but I nailed my audition and was better then several people in it. But some where better then me so Hey, being a techie wasn't a bad experience. I have a new found respect for them, but I stil prefer film to theatre and If i'm doing theatre being onstage rather then off. Sucks for me I don't have thhe typical "pretty look" most female roles in my schools plays seem to require. *Sigh* oh well...tomorrow we perform for the school, Thrusday Sears. I think we have a shot of making it to regionals. It is really a good play. IF we can manage to be under time.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Office!

A video from Youtube that celebrates one of the smartest cleverest most awesomest half hour shows on tv. Steve Carrel is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Pam and JIm...awwwwwwwww. Hilarious mockumentary everyone should watch!

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Oscars, Writers block and more

Well It's been quite a while since I've posted anything significant. That either means my life has been crazy busy or insanly boring. In truth it's a little of column A and a little of column B with a dash of laziness thrown in. :D

Tomorrow night is the Academy Awards! YAY! i'm such an award show junkie. I love all of them, but the Oscars are...the superbowl of award shows! Quickly some of my favourites who I really want to win. For best supporting actress Michelle williams for brokeback mountain, and if not her Amy adams ( Ihavent' actually seen Junebug but I've loved all the clips I've seen of her in it and I plan on seeing it next week). Best supporting actor George Clooney! he deserves an oscar and it really doesn't matter what for. Best Actress, Reese witherspoon, is she not the most versitile actress out there. best actor, I haven't seen Capote but I like Philip Seymour Hoffman and hes pretty much a lock, But I LOVED Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain and would love to see him win. Which brings me to best picture, I've only seen 2 (brokeback and Crash) but Brokeback was so good, and so sad, and so well acted and written and such a groundbreaking movie with accuratly depicted homosexuals (they ain't all designer wearing self obsessed incredibly feminine people like most movies depict) .

ALright Now that thats out, on to the Writers block. In my writers craft class we have two assignments due soon. One a writing journal where we are suppposed to experiment with our writing and different techniques. 2 of those are due monday and I haven't even started, when I write its with a purpose in my mind, usually. The second assignment is the beginning of a short story. I have lots of good ides but they all seem recycled and copied. I cant' think of my own original idea, and I don't want to write something that has been written a million times over, I at least want to put my own flavour in it.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Pilots Eye view

A video of a pilots life. Very exciting and interesting video from a pilots persepective during a flight from boston to paris and back. Short and interesting!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Importance of Being Idle

Several ides with a similar theme for a possible movie script for youth group.
The Importance of Being Idle

Idea: A series of interconnected vignettes about a group of people who live in the world where everything has to be faster quicker and more efficient. Everything has to be done yesterday. They are all unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives but they have no idea why or how to fix it.

1) They all meet a homeless man on the street that gives them a business card with a phone number. He promises them that if they call they won’t regret it. After calling each person is directed to an ordinary looking business where inside is a secretary with a desk a phone and nothing else. She directs them into a room and when they come out they have a smile on their face and their lives change. (Defiantly more on the “weird” side. Not a big fan but could be interesting)

2) They all are in someway connected to a young man who spends hours staring at the stars at night and his days wandering around town enjoying all the unique and hidden aspects of life people don’t slow down to see.

3) The same day is shown for several of these people, how stressed and rushed and unhappy they are, and how they try and fill that void. A tragedy, or event of some kind (impending Armageddon ??? death??? Terrorists???) Forces them to shift and change their perceptions of life and teaches them the value of slowing down and the unexpected consequences of our now now now society.

Money is the new Sex

I just found this really interesting. Today in my sociology class we were discusing issues in todays families, and someone mentioned money. Mr. A my teacher likes to go on rants so he ranted a bit about how money affects family dynamics and peers etc. Finally he mentioned that in todays society money has replace sex as the new taboo thing to talk about. 50 years ago sex was hush hush and you didn't discuss it with anyone, now adays people are more open and talk about sex all the time. We even have shows called sex and the city on TV. But to talk about how much money you owe, or make is a no no. People do their best to present themselves as well off even if they aren't becasue to be poor is a social taboo. I found it really interesting and it stuck in my head so I decided to post it here.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

LOST parody

This jsut proves Mad Tv is an awesome show! Hilarious! YAY go Jeff Probst!

Lost alt opening

A really cool alternate opening to Lost. It makes it look kind of like a teen drama though. If you havent' seen it, it is soo much more then that. Its the only piece of intelligent drama on tv.

More Videos

This is such a sad and touching video! And yes most of these will be lost videos cause LOST FUCKING ROCKS!


Well I discovered this new site called www.youtube.com and you can find video clips of anything and everything so I thought I'd post a few of my faves here. :D

Thursday, January 26, 2006

LOST and Exams

Well I'm sitting at my computer(duh) and freaking out. I have a 2 hour english exam in an hour. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I HATE EXAMS!!!!!!!!!! and this exam is 3 questions, 2 essay questions and a sight passage and critique....ewww...and its my last year of h.s so these are uber important for acceptance and scholarships. GOD i'm screwed...no...positive thinking... I know I can ace this. I'm going in to this exam with an 86% and I realy want to at least keep it the same...wish me luck.

As for the Lost in the title, anyone who knows me knows that I AM A HUGE LOST FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and just felt like putting that somewhere...Last nights episode was good, I know some people were upset about the whole baptisim Eko being wrong thing but hey if they're upset about that then they have issues. Its a TV show. I LOVE me some Charlie though and liked that the writers are finally getting back to the original characters who made this show a hit.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Well I haven't posted for awhile so I fiugred I should post something at least or else I would jsut keep putting it off and putting it off like the procrastinator I am...so heres a post...maybe I"ll acually write something later now that its the weekend, but who knows.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Golden Globe Predicitons Part Three

Best Original Song - Motion Picture
"A Love That Will Never Grow Old" –
Brokeback Mountain
"Christmas in Love" – Christmas In Love
"There's Nothing Like a Show on Broadway" – The Producers
"Travelin' Thru" – Transamerica
"Wunderkind" – The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

Songs are another tricky area but I'm going to have to pick Travelin' Thru.

Best Original Score - Motion Picture
SyrianaComposed by Alexandre Desplat
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The WardrobeComposed by Harry Gregson-Williams
King KongComposed by James Newton Howard
Brokeback MountainComposed by Gustavo Santaolalla
Memoirs Of A GeishaComposed by John Williams

No one likes to be nominated against John Williams, the man is a musical genius. He has made every film he has done better case in point think of Star Wars without the music (scary i know). This year is no exception with his beautiful score perfectly complimenting and inhancing Memoir of a Geisha's beautiful visuals. Harry Gregson-Williams might be a suprise winner if the foreign press decides not to give the seasoned veteran another award.

Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Match PointWritten by Woody Allen
Good Night, And Good LuckWritten by George Clooney, Grant Heslov
CrashWritten by Paul Haggis, Bobby Moresco
MunichWritten by Tony Kushner, Eric Roth
Brokeback MountainWritten by Larry McMurtry, Diana Ossana

Everyone has been raving about Good Night and Good Luck which is the type of movie the foreign press loves however I'm giving this one to Brokeback Mountain writers Larry McMurty and Diana Ossana who took a short story and crafted an elegant movie keeping the originals emotions and heart while trying not to shove the fact that it's about too gay man in people faces and offending the easily offended.

Best Director - Motion Picture
Woody Allen –
Match Point
George Clooney – Good Night, And Good Luck
Peter Jackson – King Kong
Ang Lee – Brokeback Mountain
Fernando Meirelles – The Constant Gardener
Steven Spielberg – Munich

Ang Lee has won pretty much every best director award possible for this movie, and I'm pegging him as adding Golden Globes to that long list.

Best Foreign Language Film
Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas)FranceNord Quest Productions/Senator Film Productions/The Bureau Artemis Productions/Media Pro Pictures/TFI Films/Les Productions de la Gueville; Sony Pictures Classics
Kung Fu HustleChinaColumbia Pictures Asia/Huayi Brothers/Taihe Film Investment Co. Ltd/Star Overseas; Sony Pictures Classics
Paradise NowPalestineAugustus Film/Lama Films/Razor Films/Lumen Films/Arte France Cinema/Hazazah Film; Warner Independent Pictures
Promise, The (Master Of The Crimson Armor)ChinaMoonstone Entertainment
TsotsiSouth AfricaUK Film & TV Production Company PLC/Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa/National Film & Video Foundation of South Africa; Miramax Films

Kung Fu Hustle is a brilliant hilarious comedy. COmedy typically isn't in any other category other then Best Comedy but people can't deny the appeal of this movie. Stephen Chow took home the critics choice and he might be taking home the Golden Globe. However my bet and the better movie is the touching and disturbing tale told in Paradise Now.

Best Performance by an Actor In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
George Clooney –
Matt Dillon – Crash
Will Ferrell – The Producers
Paul Giamatti – Cinderella Man
Bob Hoskins – Mrs. Henderson Presents

Paul Giamatti getting the award that he really deserved for Sideways.

Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Scarlett Johansson –
Match Point
Shirley MacLaine – In Her Shoes
Frances McDormand – North Country
Rachel Weisz – The Constant Gardener
Michelle Williams – Brokeback Mountain

Michelle Williams has transformed from Dawson Creek alum to full blown actress and steals every scene shes in.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy
Pierce Brosnan –
The Matador
Jeff Daniels – The Squid And The Whale
Johnny Depp – Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Nathan Lane – The Producers
Cillian Murphy – Breakfast On Pluto
Joaquin Phoenix – Walk The Line

I LOVE Cillian Murphy and Johnny Depp and they both deserve more awards however this one is most likely going to go to Joaquin Phoenix for his portrayal of the man in black.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
Judi Dench –
Mrs. Henderson Presents
Keira Knightley – Pride & Prejudice
Laura Linney – The Squid And The Whale
Sarah Jessica Parker – The Family Stone
Reese Witherspoon – Walk The Line

No competition. Reese Witherspoon.

Best Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy
Mrs. Henderson PresentsHeyman Hoskins Productions; The Weinstein Company
Pride & PrejudiceWorking Title Prods.; Focus Features/StudioCanal
The ProducersBrooksfilms; Universal Pictures/Columbia Pictures
The Squid And The WhalePeter Newman-InterAL; Samuel Goldwyn Films/Sony Pictures Releasing International
Walk The LineFox 2000 Pictures/TreeLine Productions/Catfish Productions; Twentieth Century Fox

Walk the Line.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
Russell Crowe –
Cinderella Man
Philip Seymour Hoffman – Capote
Terrence Howard – Hustle & Flow
Heath Ledger – Brokeback Mountain
David Strathairn – Good Night, And Good Luck

Just like Ang Lee Philip Seymour Hoffman has won almost every award for his role in Capote. Again I think he'll be adding Golden Globe to his list soon.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama
Maria Bello –
A History Of Violence
Felicity Huffman – Transamerica
Gwyneth Paltrow – Proof
Charlize Theron – North Country
Ziyi Zhang – Memoirs Of A Geisha

The Competition is between Maria Bello and Felicity Huffman...but with Huffmans Desperate nomination I think the award will be Maria Bellos.

Best Motion Picture - Drama
A History Of ViolenceBenderspink Productions; New Line Cinema
Brokeback MountainFocus Features/River Road Entertainment;
The Constant GardenerPotboiler Prods./Scion Films; Focus Features
Good Night, And Good LuckSection Eight/2929 Entertainment/Participant Productions; Warner Independent Pictures
Match PointA Jada Production; DreamWorks Pictures

Brokeback Mountain. This years movie to beat.

Golden Globe Predictions Part Two

Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series - Musical Or Comedy
Marcia Cross –
Desperate Housewives
Teri Hatcher – Desperate Housewives
Felicity Huffman – Desperate Housewives
Eva Longoria – Desperate Housewives
Mary-Louise Parker – Weeds

With desperate housewives in a critic agreed upon sophmore slump its suprising to see them garnering 4 nominations. However Felicity Huffman has stepped out of the shadows and proven she can step it up and even outshine her fellow housewives, with an emmy under her belt she seems to be a lock.

Best Television Series - Musical Or Comedy
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Desperate Housewives
Everybody Hates Chris
My Name Is Earl

Comedy categories are notoriously hard to predict especially with The Golden Globes whose winners and nominees tend to be more eccentric or unusual choices. That said my guess would be My name is Earl thanks to its excellent first year and before mentioned success of bringing back the sitcom.

Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series - Drama
Patrick Dempsey –
Grey's Anatomy
Matthew Fox – Lost
Hugh Laurie – House
Wentworth Miller – Prison Break
Kiefer Sutherland – 24

Matthew Fox hands down deserves this award. Simply put no one else handles a show and its content like he does. That said it waits to be seen if the foreign press are willing to jump on the Lost bandwagon. If not look to Hugh Laurie whose House has become a household success thanks to his acerbic performance to be getting his mantle ready.

Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series - Drama
Patricia Arquette –
Glenn Close – The Shield
Geena Davis – Commander In Chief
Kyra Sedgwick – The Closer
Polly Walker – Rome

Patricia Arquette's shocking win at the Emmys has made her a contender in this race and she could win. However I think Kyra Sedwick's often overlooked but brilliant performance in the Closer cant' be denied and she could pull off a suprising win. the foreign press are more willing to give awards to good work not necessarily the more popular work so she's my choice for this years Best Actress in a TV series.

Best Television Series - Drama
Commander In ChiefTouchstone Television; ABC
Grey's AnatomyTouchstone Television; ABC
LostTouchstone Television; ABC
Prison BreakOriginal Film/Adelstein-Parouse Productions/Twentieth Century Fox Television; FOX
RomeHBO Entertainment/BBC; HBO

As said before I am A HUGE Lost fan, and it truly does deserve the Best Tv Series award (and the Emmy's agree with me) a brilliant ensemble work that has spawned dozens of copy cats and survived its sophmore season even improving on it and proving that audiences don't mind and ENJOY intelligent shows. If anything else wins it will be a serious upset and cause many a people to be VERY angry.

Golden Globe Predictions Part One

Well awards season is getting into gear with last nights Critics Choice awards and tonights People's Choice awards, so it is time for me to make my Golden Globe(Jan. 16) predictions! Lets get down to it....

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Naveen Andrews – Lost
Paul Newman – Empire Falls
Jeremy Piven – Entourage
Randy Quaid – Elvis
Donald Sutherland – Commander In Chief

I am a Huge Lost fan so of course I would LOVE to see Naveen Andrews win it. Lord knows he deserves it, but as with most awards shows older more established actors tend to be given the prize even if its not their best work. So look to see Donald Sutherland and Paul Newman duking it out with Paul Newman taking it in the end.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Candice Bergen –
Boston Legal
Camryn Manheim – Elvis
Sandra Oh – Grey's Anatomy
Elizabeth Perkins – Weeds
Joanne Woodward – Empire Falls

The fight for this award I believe will be between Sandra Oh and Elizabeth Perkins, two unusual choices for an awards show but both equally deserving. In the end I believe it will be Perkins walking home with the prize but I wouldn't be suprised if the foreign press take the bold route and hand it to Sandra Oh.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Kenneth Branagh –
Warm Springs
Ed Harris – Empire Falls
Bill Nighy – The Girl In The Café
Jonathan Rhys Meyers – Elvis
Donald Sutherland – Human Trafficking

Again, Johnathan Rhys Meyers is the most deserving of the award fully encommpassing the role of Elvis perfectly, most people not even realizing he wasn't even american. However this award will probably go to Kenneth Branagh a classically trained actor and someone whose proved their acting mettle many times over.

Best Performance by an Actress In A Mini-series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Halle Berry –
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Kelly MacDonald – The Girl In The Café
S. Epatha Merkerson – Lackawanna Blues
Cynthia Nixon – Warm Springs
Mira Sorvino – Human Trafficking

S. Epath Merkerson walked away with the Emmy for her role in Lakawanna Blues look for a repeat performance.

Best Mini-Series Or Motion Picture Made for Television
Empire Falls
Into The West
Lackawanna Blues
Sleeper Cell
Viva Blackpool
Warm Springs

The black horse of this race is Sleeper Cell which could win if the foreign press is ready to deviate from traditional award show practices of sticking with the safe bet. If not Into the West is most likely to win.

Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series - Musical Or Comedy
Zach Braff – Scrubs
Steve Carell – The Office
Larry David – Curb Your Enthusiasm
Jason Lee – My Name Is Earl
Charlie Sheen – Two and a Half Men

This category is tough to decide with all the actors unusual choices but welcome. Larry David is the sentimental favourite being the oldest and having the most comedic credentials to his name. However Jason Lee has helped to bring back the sitcom and Steve Carell is riding high on the success of The Office. In the end I believe the award will go to Steve Carell whose performance on the Office is slightly better and more polished then that of Lee's.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

March of the Penguins

I have always been a sucker for penguins. They're on my list of the 5 cutest animals ever. So of course I had to see March of the Penguins. Unfortunatly it didn't come to my small town so I only recently got to see it. March of the Penguins is better then 90 % of the crap that comes out period! One of the sweetest, happiest, and saddest movies out there.

March of the Penguins is told by a narrator( the amazing voice talent of Morgan Freeman bringing the right amount of warmth and listenability to the picture) as if he were reading a bedtime story and the undertaking of the penguins take seems like a wild made up adventure.

The images are breathtaking and the vistas are heart stopping in their simple purity. the antarctic is one of the most gorgeous untamed places on the planet and unfortunatly due to global warming and the greenhouse effect it is dissappearing. One wonders watching this what the future holds for the emperor penguins whose breeding is dependent on the thick ice plate.The penguins themselves are the most photogenic creatures adorable and real. I never realized how odd looking they were before, they're like little milk jugs.

The courtship and subsequent baby raising is portrayed in a very human manner when it comes to the emotions. During the courtship there is a scene of two penguins heads together in a heart shape and it appears they are whispering sweet nothings into each others ears.It brought a smile to my face, dont we all hope we can find someone to be that close too. One of the saddest scenes which made me cry was a lone penguin, old or weak stumbling alone trying to get to the mating grounds. Their is a long shot of him struggling to make his way across a vast expanse of ice the only living thing around for miles. He stumbles and walks behind an ice chunk never again reappearing. It was so sad, and lonely looking. Everyone can identify with feeling alone, but that scene visually represents the feel that every human being has.I cried like a baby.

The baby penguins themselves were absoloutly adorable and looked like they were running around with tiny fur coats on all bundled up. The very fact that they were able to survive the harshest winter on earth is a testament to the strength of the emperor penguin. The scenes with the baby penguins brought up my own maternal instincts and the parent penguins were shown to be very relatable parents.

The story of the emperor penguin is heartwarming and devastatingly sad all at the same time. It manages to be uplifting and make you feel more alive and loving then ever when it's all over. An amazing documentary, and amazing music. I hope it gets an Oscar nod for best score because the music was perfect.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

Depression and the Dalai Lama

So...I'm not in a very happy mood right now. But I'm feeling a lot better then I was an hour ago. I don't know why I get like this, maybe its the whole teenage thing. Well I'm sure it is, but it royally sucks...Does it ever go away????? Anywhoo...I was sitting in my basement/library listening to the radio when I found a book called The Art of Happiness by his holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C Cutler. It sounded like something i should be reading at that moment and I was bored and self pitying so I began to read it. I am only on the middle of the 2nd chapter but man...I think I'm in love with the Dalai Lama. Not that kind of Love...But he just seems like such a smart, happy guy. He knows the secret and he's sharing! I'm a geek I know. Now I'm here writing and I went and found some quotes from the Dalai Lama on www.brainyquotes.com and here they are. They're really good :D

  • Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
  • If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
  • In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.
  • Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
  • My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
  • Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.
  • Sleep is the best meditation.
  • The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.
  • This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
  • Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life.
  • We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection.
  • Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sum 41 Rocked

I just finished watching the Sum 41 documentary Rocked and I still haven't stopped crying. I get so emotional when I see things like that. The documentary is Sum 41 touring the Congolese city of Bukavu as many celebreties do. However 6 days in they get caught up in a battle that is the product of the Congolese civil war still taking place. It was a touching doumentary and the childrens faces, these kids had so little and they still could smile. I know that sounds stupid and cliched but It makes me feel guilty for complaining about anything and not doing more with my life.
SUm 41 went to the Congo as part of Warchild Canada, so I visited their website and followed their links to various other sites where I found information on other conflicts and ways to help that don't necessarily include money, so I thought I'll post the sites here, if even one person sees it and even just looks thats a start right.


Warchild Canada
The 6 Key Points
The Hunger Site
Make Poverty History
These are just a few...theres lots more out there...
Find something you're passionate about and fight for it.

Monday, January 02, 2006


Well The holidays are almost over and once I go back to school I have exactly 2 days to figure out if I am applying to University or College. University applications are due Jan 11, you can apply later but then you don't get equal consideration. If i go to college however then I have till the beginning of Febuary. It is such a tough decision to make.

If i go to university It will cost roughly $5000 a year, but I automatically get a $1 250 entrance scholarship because of my average(as long as I keep it up the rest of the year) which would help. However college is about $3000 and no entrance sscholarship is guaranteed. My parents said they'll pay for it if I work on getting as many scholarships as I can, I feel bad though because I have been looking for a job for almost a year now but living in a small town means not that many jobs especially a town with a University and a college in it. I really really wish I could help them pay for it, I feel so guilty that I have to ask them for money. I know they will do everything in there power to help pay for it and won't be angry about it as long as I keep up my grades but they don't have tons of money and I'd like them to not have to worry about money all the time anymore.

*Sigh* then you throw in that I'm not quite sure what I want to do with my future and my head gets all jumbled and I feel like I can't breath and I just want to runaway and live like a hermit, but even that takes money nowadays.

And the program I'll take depends on where I'll go, and they couldn't be two more different things. At university I'll take a bachelor of arts(honours) with a combined major of Gender Equality & Social Justice And Religions & cultures. At college I'll take Film and Television production. Right now I'm leaning towards film and Television becasue ever since gr 6 I've wanted to be part of the movie business and my passion for those mediums has only increased. But I've never had a real chance to actively pursue either as a hobby so who knows If I'll be any good at it?? I won't know till i've paid and started... its going to require a big leap of faith and I do know If I am brave enough to take that leap...what if i'm wrong?

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Happy New year...well its officially 2006, and it feels exactly the same as 2005.
One more week off from school and I have to rewrite and memorize my monologue, finish my independent study for English, write a speech for American Lit and start my 2 end of semester projects for those two classes as well....shit I have really got to stop procrastinating so much.