Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Well this has been a crazy week. Yesterday we had a HUGE MASSIVE storm sweep through the area, with several tornados, well not officially but people ahve been reporting seeing them and I saw a HUGE funnel cloud from my window. It was pretty creepy. They've declered state of emergency in two nearby towns. It was insane.

I have a job now. I start in about an hour and a half. I am going to be a cashier at Zellers. I m scared, although I know in my head I can do it I just don't know wthat to expect which i hate. I'm sure after a week I'll be more comfortable with it and soon it'll be no big deal, but at the moment I'm freaking out about it. I've had my moments of calm though where I feel good about it. It's close, they're going to work around my TOROS and school schedule, and they have a good training program. Well I have to go. I'll post again probably tomorrow about my first day.

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