Friday, February 10, 2006

Pilots Eye view

A video of a pilots life. Very exciting and interesting video from a pilots persepective during a flight from boston to paris and back. Short and interesting!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Importance of Being Idle

Several ides with a similar theme for a possible movie script for youth group.
The Importance of Being Idle

Idea: A series of interconnected vignettes about a group of people who live in the world where everything has to be faster quicker and more efficient. Everything has to be done yesterday. They are all unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives but they have no idea why or how to fix it.

1) They all meet a homeless man on the street that gives them a business card with a phone number. He promises them that if they call they won’t regret it. After calling each person is directed to an ordinary looking business where inside is a secretary with a desk a phone and nothing else. She directs them into a room and when they come out they have a smile on their face and their lives change. (Defiantly more on the “weird” side. Not a big fan but could be interesting)

2) They all are in someway connected to a young man who spends hours staring at the stars at night and his days wandering around town enjoying all the unique and hidden aspects of life people don’t slow down to see.

3) The same day is shown for several of these people, how stressed and rushed and unhappy they are, and how they try and fill that void. A tragedy, or event of some kind (impending Armageddon ??? death??? Terrorists???) Forces them to shift and change their perceptions of life and teaches them the value of slowing down and the unexpected consequences of our now now now society.

Money is the new Sex

I just found this really interesting. Today in my sociology class we were discusing issues in todays families, and someone mentioned money. Mr. A my teacher likes to go on rants so he ranted a bit about how money affects family dynamics and peers etc. Finally he mentioned that in todays society money has replace sex as the new taboo thing to talk about. 50 years ago sex was hush hush and you didn't discuss it with anyone, now adays people are more open and talk about sex all the time. We even have shows called sex and the city on TV. But to talk about how much money you owe, or make is a no no. People do their best to present themselves as well off even if they aren't becasue to be poor is a social taboo. I found it really interesting and it stuck in my head so I decided to post it here.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

LOST parody

This jsut proves Mad Tv is an awesome show! Hilarious! YAY go Jeff Probst!

Lost alt opening

A really cool alternate opening to Lost. It makes it look kind of like a teen drama though. If you havent' seen it, it is soo much more then that. Its the only piece of intelligent drama on tv.

More Videos

This is such a sad and touching video! And yes most of these will be lost videos cause LOST FUCKING ROCKS!


Well I discovered this new site called and you can find video clips of anything and everything so I thought I'd post a few of my faves here. :D