Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Money is the new Sex

I just found this really interesting. Today in my sociology class we were discusing issues in todays families, and someone mentioned money. Mr. A my teacher likes to go on rants so he ranted a bit about how money affects family dynamics and peers etc. Finally he mentioned that in todays society money has replace sex as the new taboo thing to talk about. 50 years ago sex was hush hush and you didn't discuss it with anyone, now adays people are more open and talk about sex all the time. We even have shows called sex and the city on TV. But to talk about how much money you owe, or make is a no no. People do their best to present themselves as well off even if they aren't becasue to be poor is a social taboo. I found it really interesting and it stuck in my head so I decided to post it here.

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