Friday, April 28, 2006

Whats there to say really

Well last night we performed at Regionals and suffice to was a complete and utter disaster. THis is jsut a short post to get my frustrations out before I head over to teh school for our private ajudication and workshops. Neither of which I 'm looking forwards to. In workshops I'm with no one I know and I have a VERY hard time talking to strangers, it's just not something I can really do.

Gah I Must go. I'll post the whole story later. When I feel less depressed.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Well we got wildcard for the regionals so we perform again this thursday. I"m so out of my groove though, tuesday will be my first time doing sound in 2 and a half weeks. I'm sure I'll get right back into it with no problem but still, it sucks. Regionals are going to be tons of fun theres lots of workshops and events to go to and I get to see Emily since her school made it too. YAY!

Neverending White Lights

Well I finally bought the Neverending WHite Light's cd. SO good!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how many people have seen the movie Kontroll but this cd reminds me of it for some reason. And i LOVED Kontroll. Daniel Victor is a genius seriously. I especially love the song From what I once was, which is the only song he sings on and its beautiful haunting really.

I also bought the movie Pride and Prejudice with Keria Knightley. It was so sweet, I'm not a romantic movie person, but this one was impossible not to like. I've read the book so I knew what was going to happen but watching it I just got caught up in the movie. Keira Knightley deserved that Oscar Nom, she was amazing, and Matthew MacFadyen was so . . . heartbreaking as Mr. Darcy. Brilliant Movie.!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Sears is over

Well the Sears Drama Festival is over. We didn't do too bad I must say. A few mistakes but overall I'm proud of what we accomplished. This play was almost completely a student production ( with Mr. W, and Mrs. B helping us out with the beaucratic stuff). We didn't win but the two plays that did were AMAZING. This year everyone stepped up their game. I'm sad that I wasn't on stage but it was interesting being up in the booth.

In the end we did win some awards though.

Stage managers award ( EXTREMELY well deserved)
Awards of merit for
costume management
set design

Awards of excellence for
ensemble acting.

Who knows we might be a wildcard and then it's off to Regionals! But if not this was an incredible experience and as tough and hard as it was I had fun and wouldnt' trade it for anything.