Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Eva Cassidy

An AMAZING AMAZING Singer, who left us way to soon. Her songs (mostly covers) are beautiful . I wonder what she could have accomplished if she had been around a little longer. Gorgeous haunting voice.

singing somewhere over the rainbow a song I HATE, but when she sings it, its so damn beautiful.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


I realized I never posted what happened with my job. So here is a quick summary...
I went back that night for my second shift and got a grand total of 1 hour of training before he left me alone. Granted he was in the hotel( he lives ther) but still I was all alone.

Then He came back after an hour or so and was talking to me and he asked me what type of college degree i had. I SPECIFICALLY told him 3 times at least i was in my last year of high school and it says so right on my resume which he obviously didn't read. when he found out I was 17 he got alittle ansy and kept dropping it into conversations like " well don't tell the gues ts ur only 17". He was also expecting me to haggle and use marketing techniques with people on the phone. It was obvious He had paid no attention whatsoever to my resume or interview where I made it clear I had no hotel experience and not much job experience. I thought I was applying for a housekeeping job until the last interview. it was a disaster and I felt literally sick so I told him that it would be beter if I didn't work here because it was obvious he was uncomfortable with my age and I didnt' have the skills necessary. Then he made me feel like an ass for quitting.

My parents were great about it. They had been having bad feelings about the whole thing anyways. It sucks but now I"ve had that bad experience I'm ready to move on and have some good ones.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Its all over. . .

This will be short I have to leave for TOROS soon, we're doing CATS this year. Suprisingly fun.

So i finished my last High school exam...ever. I only have grad and then no more, on to college. How scary is it...frightening. I've been working on getting a job, I'm gonna really put myself out there, because damn college is expensive, not only tuition but books and in my program knives, kitchen outfit and server outfit. My parents are paying but I'd really like to contribute and eventually pay them back. I don't know how schoosl going to be next year, i'm in hotel admin but since I know that it's only a stepping stone to put myself through film school it might be hard to get through it. I will though. I promise. The cooking and serving ( the school has a restaurant on campus) is going to be the hardest, i have zero experience in both areas. My head hurts thinking about it sometimes and other times i'm excited at the challenge. I'm going to try and embrace the adventurous side of it, and the knowledge that if i buckle down there is nothing to keep me from succeeding.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I don't think I can Do this. . .

well I had my first morning at work and wow, I feel so stressed and incapable I cried. Yeah how sad is that, how many people have cried on the first day of their first job?
I thought It wouldn't be too bad but there is so much to learn, I applied for housekepping and when they offered me front desk I thought sure hey that's even better. After my first 4 hours of training I'm about to tear my hair out. There is so much I'm expected to know. I did check outs this morning and this is my only training in checkouts. Then tonight I go back for check ins and reservations. My head is spinning just trying to keep it all straight in my head. I wrote most of it down, but some of it we went through too fast and the little nuances I haven't managed to grasp yet. Im not a clever person by any means I can remember really well but to extrapolate that stuff into other areas and situations I'm not so good at. The guy who trained me ( not the one who hired me) seemed nice but i got the vibe he thought I was a little stupid, shy and slow. :( I'm gonna try and stick it out and we'll see how it goes. I'm terrified about reserving and booking and being left alone. Most likely I'll be doing night shifts 11pm-7am so I'll be mostly doing check ins for drunks, weirdos etc. I think I'll like nights once I get the hang of things. if ppl are reading this pray for me please, i'm gonna need all the support i can get. I hate being a shy person:( life is harder for us.

Friday, June 02, 2006

So Fuckin crazy weekend coming up

Well I got a job. YAY. It's at a hotel( a small one) I applied for housekeeping and ended up getting front desk. Now i'm nervous as hell. My first day is tomorrow at 7 am. If that wasn't bad enough. I audition for Cats(the drama summer school program) and I figured chorus like last year. but no today the night before my first day at work they call and tell me I'm getting a dance callback A DANCE CALLBACK! so unexpected my only dance training is 6 weeks of ballet and figure skating for 6 years( and not for like 4 since) and of course it's tomorrow during my work shift my first work shift. Although they did say i could come in sunday instead, so If my boss asks me to work sunday(so far he's only told me of my first day he hasn't given me a schedule) I'll have to say no, and if his schedule he gives me conflicts with Cats then I'll have to stop doing that which i don't want. Geez why does everything hae to happen in the same 2 day span. This is the worlds idea of a crule fucking joke and I don't think my nerves can take it!