Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Its all over. . .

This will be short I have to leave for TOROS soon, we're doing CATS this year. Suprisingly fun.

So i finished my last High school exam...ever. I only have grad and then no more, on to college. How scary is it...frightening. I've been working on getting a job, I'm gonna really put myself out there, because damn college is expensive, not only tuition but books and in my program knives, kitchen outfit and server outfit. My parents are paying but I'd really like to contribute and eventually pay them back. I don't know how schoosl going to be next year, i'm in hotel admin but since I know that it's only a stepping stone to put myself through film school it might be hard to get through it. I will though. I promise. The cooking and serving ( the school has a restaurant on campus) is going to be the hardest, i have zero experience in both areas. My head hurts thinking about it sometimes and other times i'm excited at the challenge. I'm going to try and embrace the adventurous side of it, and the knowledge that if i buckle down there is nothing to keep me from succeeding.

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