Monday, July 03, 2006

High School Life is OVER!

Well I officially graduated from high school on thursday. YAY ME!!!!!!! it feels so weird to be done and know it's not going to ever happen again.

Grad was fun, the ceremony was a bit boring and long but hey they're supposed to be. Nobody said anything to profound although my principal urged us to mooch off of our parents as long as possible ^_^

When I arrived in the morning I also found ut I won a $1000 bursary. ^_^ Thats almost half of my tuition and probably more then I could make if I worked in the summer. I'm still looking for a job, but I don't feel so stressed out about it, that money is a big help :D

TOROS is going good, its a little boring even though we have more to learn then last year. I think part of it is because Beauty and The Beast we all knew and it was so cool to be in a show you grew up with. CATS i"ve never even heard or seen so it doesn't have the same connection, plus the chorus are put in the background an aweful lot compared to last year *Sigh* Oh well, at least i'm on stage.

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